Nov. 1907
Echoes of Yadkin County, North Carolina

November 13, 1907

Echoes of Route 3 by B. C. Money

Rev. Wade Adams will begin a series of meetings at Mt. Carmel next Sunday at 11 o’clock.  Rev. R. P. Coram, the successful contestant on the “Dispatch eating contest” will give a lecture on his trip at Union Cross next Saturday night.   Everybody invited.

Mr. William Logan of Route 2 has moved his family to Winston where he holds a position within Gorrell Brothers.   We are sorry to lose Mr. Logan and family from among us.

The meeting at Union Cross has closed and those that mingled and labored together in the meeting have had to separate and go to their different places of abode and truly we believe that much and lasting good was accomplished as a result of the meeting.   14 gave their names for membership.   Among the distant visitors that attended this meeting regularly was Ms. Cora Norman of East Bent, Miss Anna Myers of Mt. Nebo and Miss Bertha Choplin of Durham and others that we have not space to mention and while the ladies were among us they made many and lasting friends and so hope that as they returned to their homes that they can say as one of old, “that truly it was good for us to have been there.”

The clouds of sorrow and sad bereavement is hovering over this community on account of death coming to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Melton last Thursday night and taking from them Ellis their 13 year old son who had been sick with Typhoid Pneumonia for about three weeks.   He was buried at Union Cross the following at three o’clock.   Rev. Wade Adams preached the funeral to a large congregation of sympathizing relatives and friends.   Ellis was an intelligent young man.   It seems as though he came home to die as he had only been at home from Indiana a short while before he was taken sick.   He had never made a profession of religion but he bid all the family good bye a short while before he died and said he wanted go that he would be better off and we truly hope he is, but he is in the hands of his God who doeth all things well.   To his associates we would say be ready for death might come to you as quickly as to him.   To the bereaved we drop of tear of sympathy.   And while it seems that the giving up of one is grief enough for them yet their daughter Rovie is lying almost at the point of death with brain fever.   May, the dear Lord spare them their child is our prayer.


 ©2016 B. C. Money Family