Feb 25 1911
Echoes of Yadkin County, North Carolina

February 15, 1911

Little Child rescued in nick of time

One of the saddest scenes the writer and scores of others have ever witnessed in this neighborhood occurred last Sunday P. M. While Mr. Willie Hobson and family was visiting at B. C. Money’s their two and a half year old child wandered off the other children that was out playing and when the attention of the parents was drawn to the absence of the child search was begun as the parents become alarmed as further search was unsuccessful. Phone messages to neighbors were sent and soon scores were searching woods, etc. without result. The parents were panic stricken and the mother almost hysterical, meanwhile the search was kept up.

As the sun was hastening down in the western horizon, and the dreaded thought, that little Clark might not be found and that he would have to spend the night no one knew where, it was enough to break the parents hearts, when the news come that it had been found in Mr. Lewis Fleming’s mill pond one mile away, and as the mother embraced her child once more the scene was enough to make the most stubborn heart weep. The child was heard crying by Mrs. Bovender who send rescues to the child and when they, Willie Bovender and Wesley Adams, reached it it was in mud and water almost to the waist, with a deep swift current running only there feet away. Truly it was a narrow escape from drowning.

While we shudder at the thought of the sad occurrence we are thankful that it was no worse and we truly believe there as an all seeing eye from above looking down on the child as it wandered away. And now kind reader let us surmise a little, let us remember that Christ went into the barren mountains and over the ragged cliff, seeking the lost that had wandered away from the shepherds fold and may we not presume that the kind shepherd weeps over those that have wandered away, as these parents did over their lost child. It seemed as an object lesson of the divine writing: “There is more rejoicing in Heaven over 1 soul that repenteth than ninety and nine that are safe in the fold.”

 B. C. Money


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