Nov 20 1907
Echoes of Yadkin County, North Carolina

November 20, 1907

Echoes of Route 3 by B. C. Money

Mr. Will Jester returned home from Winston-Salem last week. Mr. Windfield Reece and family arrived in Yadkin last week from New Castle, Ind., they expect to spend the winter in this country. Departed this life Thursday, November 14 at 4 o’clock a.m. Rovie the 15 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Melton, her remains were deposited in the Union Cross Cemetery the same day at 3:00 p.m. Rev. Wade Adams conducted a short funeral service. Rovie was a kind obedient girl, and was loved by all who knew her. She professed faith in Christ two years ago and how sad to be taken so early in life, but the young to die, and one by one we must all pass away; to the sorrow stricken family, we would drop a thought, that you will all meet again by and by.


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