Jan. 1907
Echoes of Yadkin County, North Carolina

January 30, 1907

Echoes of Route Three by B. C. Money

Misses Lula and Lonie Poindexter were the guest of Misses Bessie and Pearl Choplin Saturday night and Sunday. After a light attack of pneumonia, Lola the baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. John Wiseman is up playing around again. Mr. Will Jester went down to Winston last week to look him up a job, but changed his mind, and now he says old Yadkin is good enough for him. Yadkin is good for her smart industrious men as was demonstrated the other day when a certain farmer loaded his wheat in his buggy also a lot of tobacco bags while he was gone to the Yadkinville butter mill. If you don’t believe, just ask the Yadkinville mail carrier, Mr. Jack Vestal.

B. C. Money

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