October 16, 1907
Echoes of Route 3 by B. C. Money
Misses Bessie and Pearl Choplin attended the fair at Winston-Salem last week. Several of our young people attended preaching at Prospect last Sunday. Mr. B. F. Colbert went to High Point last week to see his sick father. Rev. Wade Adams conducted a revival meeting at Friends Union last week and reports a good meeting and plenty of beef.
Mrs. Lewis Fleming has sold during the summer about 143 lbs. of butter for which she realized $20.80 besides selling about $20.00 worth of cheese. She sold 103 lbs. of butter at one time recently at 15 cts. per lb. Can any one beat that record, as a woman of thrift and industry.
Master Charles Broddie Money is the guest of “Ye Scribe” he is a week old today (Monday) and we are gathering catnip and other herbs, for medicinal purposes, to have on hand in case of necessity.