July 10, 1907
Echoes of Route Three by B. C. Money
The most enjoyable occasion that the writer has been privileged to attend was a surprise birthday dinner last Sunday at the home of our good friend, Mr. John Choplin given in honor of Miss Bessie, it being her twentieth birthday. A long table was erected out in the yard and then the good ladies began to bring out their baskets and to fill the table with the best things that mortal man ever eat. About one hundred partook of the dainties and twelve baskets full of fragments were taken up after all had eaten to their hearts content (but Mr. Editor, if you had been there, we guess you would have eaten up everything that was left.) It seemed that everybody enjoyed themselves the best they had in their lives, in fact everybody became young again and forgot the cares of life. And as one by one parted to go to their different places of abode, they realized that it had been one more pleasant event in their lives and the joy it brought to the home of these kind friends will be long remembered by them.
We can’t realize how much joy and comfort such occasions bring and especially a home where there is no one to care for and comfort the husband and children. Oh what is home without a mother but while Misses Bessie and Pearl you have no mother living to look too, just remember the host of friends that you have that is ready to shed a sympathizing tear with you in sorrow or to rejoice with you in gladness and may this home be blessed with many such occasions for if any family ever deserved friendship and kindness this home does for they are so good and kind to all and if we have flowers to give let’s give them while they are living thus making life more pleasant and not wait to place them on the coffin because they will do no good then.