July 16, 1959
Echoes of Yadkin County, North Carolina

Thursday, July 16, 1959

Meditations by B. C. Money

As we think of so many that have accidents and misfortunes and are confined in hospitals, shut-ins who are unable to get out and for those who have lost loved ones, we extend our sympathy. Yes, we are surrounded by troubles and events that mar the beauty of life until it is hard to see beauty that is all about us. Isaiah tells us that “He (God) will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on God and put his trust in Him, “ and as we meditate on the rapidity of life it only seems a few days since our 83rd birthday, but as you read these lines today (Thursday, July 16) we will have reached the 84th mile stone. I remember so well the beautiful cards and letters I received from so many of my friends last year and as we re-read them today our hearts are warmed toward everyone for all the pleasant words written which will sustain and help us as we near the close of life. We have enjoyed our “Meditations” with you so much and wish for everyone the best in life and remember us in prayer that the last days of our life may be our best.


 ©2016 B. C. Money Family