83nd Birthday
Echoes of Yadkin County, North Carolina

July 10, 1958

Another Birthday Coming

On July 16, 1958 we will have reached our eighty-third milestone on the road of life and many changes have been made since 1875, but our purpose in writing this letter is that for sixty or more years of the life of the paper we have written many letters to its pages and next to our church and Sunday School activities it has been our greatest joy.

For we reported visitors in and out of the community, picnics, weddings. birthdays, church and Sunday School activities and many times it was our sad duty to write of the passing of loved ones. Many of those articles were written from a direct inspiration in the hope that they might be of some little help to someone that might read them.

Now in the declining years of life we find our mind and body very inactive and unable to think and write as in days gone by. There are many things we would like to write, but this may be my last message to the paper and on this our 83rd birthday, it would be such a joy to us if some of our friends and readers of the paper would write us a card or call us on the telephone, and to the paper staff and all our friends and readers of your paper, we say good bye and God bless all.

B. C. Money
Rt. 1, Yadkinville

July 24, 1958


The response to my request for cards on my 83rd birthday far exceeded my fondest expectation and to every one that sent a card or letter we extend our sincerest appreciation, and our great desire is that we might be worthy of all the kind things written.

To those who intended to call or write, it is not too late, for we would always appreciate a phone call or a card from a friend.

With sincere appreciation to one and all,

B. C. Money

 ©2016 B. C. Money Family