Nov. 8, 1962
Echoes of Yadkin County, North Carolina

November 8, 1962

Meditations by B. C. Money

Do we as a professed Christian nation really believe the Bible and God? If so, why are we so fearful? Did God deliver the children of Israel from under the bondage of Pharaoh bringing them safe across the Red Sea on dry land leading them through the wilderness for 40 years and bringing them into the land he had promised their forefathers many years ago? Did David actually slay the giant Goliath by the might and power of the God he served? Did God send his Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but to save us from eternal punishment? Did Jesus feed a multitude of 5,000 with the five loaves and two small fishes and while praying on the mountain side that night looking across the storm tossed waters saw his disciples in a boat tossed by the boisterous waves, their lives in jeopardy, while fear gripped their heart and sore afraid, did He go to their rescue walking on the water and saying “It is I be not afraid” and did the wind cease and the sea was calm? At another time as he and his disciples were crossing the sea while he was asleep there arose a great storm and the waves filled the ship so that they were afraid and woke the master saying “Carest thou not that we perish?” Did He arise and rebuke the wind saying to the sea “Peace be still” and the sea was clam an said to them “Why are you so fearful, don’t you have any faith?” If we sincerely believe in God and that these things were accomplished through His power, why can’t we believe in Him that spared that city of Nineveh because they repented in sackcloth and ashes. (Written November 8, 1962)


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