Echoes of Yadkin County, North Carolina

Editor The Ripple:   April 8, 19??

Easter has come and gone and what a beautiful day to commemorate the resurrection of our Lord, and as the theme of our Sunday School lesson was centered around the resurrection of Christ, we find many incidents surrounding His resurrection.

We are told by the different writers that very early in the morning of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene with other women came bringing sweet spices to the Sepulcher that they might anoint the body of their Lord but questioned who would roll away the stone.   But to their amazement they found the stone already rolled away and the tomb empty.

Mary Magdalene ran and told Peter and John, who returning with her found the tomb empty as she had said.   Entering the tomb they found the linen cloths and napkin but saw no man and while John believed they returned to their own homes.

But Mary standing without stooped down and looking in saw two angels who asked her why she was weeping and said, “He is not here but is risen.”   And as she turned she saw someone standing behind her and he asked her why weepest thou and whom do you seek?   She supposing him to be the gardener asked him that if he had borne him away to tell her and she would take him away.   Then in a gentle tone he said, “Mary,” and she recognized the voice and said. “Master,” but suffered her not to touch him and he commissioned her to go tell the world and his friends that he was alive forever more.   Saying that "As I Live Ye shall live also.”   Thus we find that the faithfulness and loyalty of these women that was last at the crufixion and first at the tomb were reward.


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